Thursday, March 28, 2013

Down She Goes.......

Alright so last night was a late night and a busy night at work I was literally dripping sweat cleaning the beds and I had 3 people in a row in the mystic so you know I was hustling!! Anyways I think I burned more calories than I accounted for because I got home and late last night I was hungry, but I only ate a 10 calorie pickle and downed a lot of water which probably wasn't the best idea since I had to get up and pee almost every couple hours since I had already downed a bottle and a half just at work alone. Anyways I decided to weigh myself this morning since I've now been on the 1250 calories diet for 11 days now and have lost a total of 4lbs, I think I would be down more but since I gained a little over a lb over the weekend I had to re-lose that as well. I'm now on day 2 of no chocolate and so far it's okay I'm sure it's going to get a lot tougher, im not sure what the next thing I will elminate from my diet but I'm thinking pasta maybe, well actually I shouldn't say the word elminate because I will still have the stuff in the future just in smaller portions of them, I'm almost thinking that when I go out to eat I will ask for half of the food boxed up so I only eat half of it but I don't want to piss off the server or chef so I guess I'll just have to watch my portions and only eat half of what's on my plate. So anyways besides that I'm just constantly on Pinterest looking for interesting recipes that will expand my diet and leave me full without busting my calories, tough this is I'm not into vegan food or things like that I like my pasta, my creamy milky sauce, my meat and I'm not talking chicken give me a medium rare steak anyday!! Lol well back to Pinterest since its my day off I fully intend to just be lazy and pin away the day on Pinterest :)

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