Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Done With Soda...Onto Chocolate!! ARGHHH

So i've officially finished my soda challenge and I definitely don't crave soda anymore, i'm still struggling a little bit with chocolate, not in a bad way but I mean last night I was starving when I got home (really small lunch!) so I ate my entire dinner and then later I had a piece of chocolate and then after that I had an icecream sandwhich, thankfully I stopped there because I was still hungry but I just watched a movie and went to bed. I went over my calories slightly yesterday but I was pretty busy at work so I went over by 226, I need to remember not to just have a small lunch like PB&J because it just basically got burned off and then I was starving and I overeat, I mean since my calories are only set at 1,250 each day so even if I do go over by a couple hundred calories it's not going to make that huge of a difference,  I am going to miss my hot chocolate's on Sunday mornings but oh well, i'll just switch to my tea I guess or figure something else out! I just gotta keep my eye on the prize,so far this week i'm already lost the 1lb I gained over the weekend and i've lost .4 lbs as well, I need to figure out something for the weekend so I watch what I eat if I happen to be over at Brian's or elsewhere... Oh well i'll get it figured out...

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