Monday, March 18, 2013

Chocolate Challenge...Yay or Nay???

So today Brian brought me a ton of snacks to work since I was starving and when I say snacks I don't mean the bad kind, he brought me sugar snap peas, a golden apple (yum!) carrots, yogurt covered raisins and laura doone 100 calorie shortbread cookies (double yum!!) it was really sweet of him since I was in fact STARVING and I had totally been craving sugar snap peas and carrots (how he knew this idk) and anyways he stayed at my work for a little bit before and after tanning and until I was off since he came when I was close to getting off anyways, and I brought up the no chocolate for 21 days and I asked him how I could do it because A. I love hot chocolate (I drink it almost every morning in place of coffee since it still has a little bit of caffeine in it) and B. the snack crisps he got me (Special K 100 calorie crisps) have chocolate in them, I did turn down a huge chocolate chip cookie from my friend but I ended up buying a small bag of reeses pieces (which btw is a step down from me buying that big slice of chocolate cake I mentioned in yesterdays post) I still haven't had a soda, and i've got 8 days left of this challenge and then hopefully the soda will be no longer a problem which is why i'm contemplating the no chocolate thing but I mean hot chocolate isn't a problem for me I don't binge out on hot chocolate I have 1-2 packets a day depending on how big of a cup i'm making I then add 2% milk sometimes and I also add vanilla or almond syrup as well to give it some sweetness (no more than 2tbsp which is the recommended serving size) I also don't have hot chocolate every day just on days where I need a pick-me-up or I need some caffeine, but like I said it's not that chocolate that's the problem its the chocolate brownies or cakes or reeses peanut butter cups, (I purposely stayed away from that today although I did go by the bakery and longingly looked at the cakes and cupcakes....) My trainer used to suggest that if I was having a chocolate craving that it was best to buy a bag of hershey kisses and have 1, that would satisfy the cravings without de-railing all my hard work, I mean I know what happened that caused me to de-rail: sitting on my butt from January-September because I wasn't allowed to go to the gym and since I was getting paid from WC and not having to use gas to go to work I was able to waste money on food and magazines and sat around eating cookies and chips and dip and whatever else sounded good, which caused me to gain the weight back quickly since I was no longer doing any type of physical activity period due to restrictions. It's amazing how 9 months of hard work, dedication, good eating habits and self control just went out the window in just under 1 month, and now I have to start all over again, I literally have to retrain my mind to not constantly want a sprite, shirley temple or dr. pepper, that I don't need to eat that huge slice of cake in order to feel happy, tonight my dinner was simple but I did eat dinner and then ate a bowl of cereal like an hour after because I was still hungry, why is it when I am working I don't feel like eating and can go almost an entire shift without eating but as soon as I get home I am stuffing my face??? In case you were wondering my dinner consisted of tenderloin steak (ahhhh so good!!!!!) wild rice, salad and asparagus. A healthy dinner right?? well ok steak isn't the healthiest but atleast it wasn't like fried chicken or something, baby steps people baby steps!!!!!!! I constantly scour pinterest for food ideas but I never actually go through and make them, they certainly look really good but when the time comes to make something for myself I want quick and easy and that usually means boiling water for Mac & Cheese (which btw I have also cut down on, I had some yesterday but I only made a quarter of the box as opposed to making the ENTIRE box like I used to, I keep forgeting to check serving sizes, an entire box is not one serving size! lol so my habits are slowly getting better but sometimes I wish there was just a reset button for my eating habits so I could just go back but lets face it there is not so here is the question should I try to eliminate chocolate in all forms or just in certain forms ie everything but hot chocolate and a limit of 1 hershey kiss when deperately needed to divert possible chocolate binge, ugh and of course a Milano's commercial is on just as I am typing this.......darn you subliminal advertising.. and what about chocolate milk?? I mean that sometimes is necessary...see what i'm talking about??? I already have replaced my soda addiction with water, gatorade and strawberry lemonade but what am I supposed to replace chocolate with?? Keep in mind this is the girl who once wanted chocolate so badly she actually got some of her mom's baking chocolate, yes baking chocolate, out of the freezer (which btw was disgusting, will never do that one again) and took a huge bite out of it thinking it would satisfy her and  instead all she got was a big nasty bite of bitter chocolate ) not my finest moment I will admit...... Either way how should I approach this, Brian wasn't sure and I didn't really get to finish the conversation because I got busy at work so any comments or advice would be greatly appreciated!!! :)

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