Monday, March 25, 2013

Brian's amazing burgers....Darn you weekend!

Okay so the weekends are hard, I by no means gorged out or anything but Brian makes such delicious food that it'a hard not to eat it!!! my weight has fluctuated to 178.2 so I only gained a little over a pound back but I honestly thing its just because I ate a larger lunch and dinner on Saturday, which I already talked about in my previous blog post, but just a recap, homemade pizza for lunch (it was ok) froyo for a snack in town, and leftover chili with cornbread for dinner. I totally didn't have the strawberry pie w/ graham cracker pie crust (looked so delicious) I only went over my total calories for the day by 54 but yesterday was a whole nother story, I had a little bit of cereal in the morning and then Brian made the MOST AMAZING hamburgers, the rub he put in it combined with the teryiaki sauce just made them super bomb, we then melted muenster cheese on top, I had a little side of beans and a couple of sweet potato tots as well, I prob should have skipped the bun perhaps but I mean normally I am not a big fan of homemade burgers but I just have to say that my boyfriend just makes the seriously most mouthwatering foods, lol I think it's hilarious he is always there saying no you don't need it ha ha ha, I had a dark chocolate cookie and well I regretted it because it was STALE!!! But that was not the worst part I went and did a couple of friends hair which went long so I had to rush over to Canby to meet my friend Heidi for the work meeting and I only had time to grab a string cheese and chocolate milk to try and tide me over, it didn't help that I could smell, teriyaki, jimmy johns, taco del mar and red robin within a 500 ft radius, so to my dismay when I got back to canby and to my car it was around 10:45 so I went to taco bell............I only got a soft taco and a hard taco so I didn't do tooo bad but I mean realistically I need to get some groceries and there was no way I was going to Safeway at 11pm at night (which btw I think they close then??) drive home and make an entire meal, not gonna happen, I also didn't think the workshop meeting would go so late, I figured like 9:30 at the latest but nope...not to mention if I went home and just ate some snacks I can 100% say I would probably wake up in the middle of the night and go stuff my face with whatever I could find so while Taco Bell wasn't the best choice it was the best option for the time and place... trust me if there was a Subway open I would have totally gone there and gotten a salad or something but they weren't so I took the middle road and chose not to get cinnamon twists with my meal so small victories, I definitely need to go to the store today and buy some bread and a couple other smaller items to keep my diet in check, no more buying huge amounts of things just shopping once a week for the week pretty much, wish my paychecks were bigger so I could spend more $$$ on food said no one ever LOL oh well til next time......I really want another burger...just saying

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