Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Soda??? It's me Kerisa

Okay so today marks day 7 without drinking soda, you know how they say it gets easier? Well they lied...I still think about soda and I have to constantly tell myself no when I'm at the store, but if I can make it 14 more days I know I'll be able to almost completely cut it out of my life except for rare occasions, to replace soda with something sweet I have been drinking strawberry lemonade I haven't found anything as good as mixing frozen lemonade with blended strawberries but I am getting close! I bought 2 different kinda of strawberry lemonade in a bottle and they aren't half bad!! I wanted to do the Frozen/blended option but I just didnt have $7+ dollars to spend on ingredients since neither lemonade or strawberries were on sale, I think the next thing I wanna cut out is chocolate except for Saturday and only if I have hit my weekly goals ie went to the gym 5x this week or lost 2lbs, which reminds me I need to revise my workout schedule, I wanted to go today but by the time I got off work I was in a super bad mood and I just wanted to go home. Since I only work til 2 tomorrow I will definitely be going to the gym I really wanted to take a class but its pointless to try and entertain myself at the gym until 4:30 when I get off at 2, I am going to do Zumba on Thursday morning and I will do turbo kick (the class I've been wanting to do and hoping its just as good as the one at Bally's that I miss) I'm down to only 4 months and 13 days before Hawaii and I'm at 179.0 lbs...... I already know why I gained 5lbs all the pop and bad food I was eating, I'm definitely going to do the 3 day diet again next week I really wanna do another fitwrap too but just don't have the money yet. I don't know what's stopping me from going to the gym it's like 4% of my day yet I feel like I don't have enough time but all I do is come home and lay in bed and go on Pinterest, weddinggawker, and I could do that at the gym if I wanted to yet I choose not to. I was so tired today after closing last night and opening this morning that I wanted to go to bed early yet here it is 11:58 and I'm still up, I think part of it is I'm still frustrated over my day and how it went it was fine during the morning but toward the end of my shift not so good and the fact that I've barely spoken to Brian since Sunday doesn't help, yes I did get to talk to him on the phone for a few yesterday but today I couldn't even get him on the phone, the trouble is he is training for his new job whereas at his old job we could be on the phone for hours and have no problems. It's hard because I cannot have my phone on me, around me or even in sight. (Rules of my job) so by the time I got off Brian wasn't even off yet as far as I could tell and when he did finally text back he was eating and then going to bed he has to wake up between 1:30-2am now which means bedtime between 5:30 and 6 and I can tell he is super tired trying to adjust to the change because of daylight savings time and having to get up 2-3 hours earlier than what he has been the last 3 1/2 years.... Anyways I got off topic I'm hoping that cutting out pop the lbs will start to melt off like people have said in the past, I've also started taking green coffee bean extract because Dr Oz has said it works but so far I don't see any results so maybe I just need to cut pills all together?? I know the rules to lose weight burn more calories then you take in but it's like eat every 2-3 hours so your body doesn't go into starve mode which is fine with me but impossible at my job especialy since its now busy season I just get busy cleansing the beds, selling items and checking tanners in that I forget to eat. Monday night I made this huge dinner /snacks for work and all I ended up being able to eat was a yogurt, a rice Krispy treat and a cheesestick, I ate top ramen when I got home at 10pm which I regretted but I mean come on I was STARVING, I know I shouldn't have eaten anything especially top ramen but I knew I would wake up in the middle of the night and start binge eating which I don't wanna do, maybe I should make a food schedule idk. I have Thursday off so I think that day I will do my new workout routine calendar and possibly my food schedule this is where my phone would come in handy at work to tell me hey it's time to eat your snack! I saw on Pinterest a pinner had everything separated with tags saying morning snack, lunch, evening snack etc etc obviously I wouldn't do that for dinner or breakfast (depending on my shift) but that might be something to look into just to get me on a schedule because I know that once I start hitting the gym hard I'm gonna wanna eat more and it needs to be healthy shopping the hard part is too that I buy healthy stuff then forget I have it..... Oh well I need to get to sleep because I have work in the morning!! Atleast I can sleep til 7:45 well until next time!

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