Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Easter, Truffle Cake, Naps and 30 Day Ab's Challenge.....

Alright people we are now onto week 3 of calorie counting and being at 1250 calories, unfortunately I haven't gotten below 175, i'm still trying to adjust to make sure that I don't eat after 8pm which I think is a big downfall, I don't get off until 9:30-10 some nights and I don't get home til 10 or later and it's when I stop that I figure out that i'm starving and even though I only eat healthy things the weight doesn't exactly slide off, now I realize that i'm not going to just shed the weight that easily so i'm not discouraged, as as much as i've wanted to sit with a box of cookies or chinese food I haven't, I did allow myself a madeline brownie today ( a whopping 130 calories for one!) I've been fighting the urge to have one for awhile now (this btw was the girl who would eat like 10 in a sitting, they are that good) but since I had only had a banana since breakfast (late night / early morning) I decided it would okay to splurge on one, I also had some jimmy johns but of course I skipped the soda that usually comes with it and just got a bottle of water :) so just an update for you guys I did really well over Easter, I was invited over to Brian's family's house which was awesome, I always love spending time with them and the fact that I helped make the dessert with his mom the night before was just the icing on the cake ha ha well the truffle cake that is! It was a really nice bonding moment. So anyways I got very small portions and had a tiny tiny tiny sliver of the truffle cake ( I had to try it!) Colleen tried to offer me more later but I politely declined and poor jason just had so much in his bowl between the truffle cake and the mini banana cheesecakes ha ha. I must have been in a food coma because the next thing I knew I woke up when Brian was carrying me to his bed to try and finish out my nap which of course didn't happen. Because I realized what time it was and had to head home....I'm hoping my new schedule will be implemented next week and i'll be able to start going to the gym again I know it's not a good excuse but the whole open close close close schedule just throws me off and when I get home late I just wanna sleep and then by the time i'm ready to go to the gym it's time to head back into work! I'm in a funk!!! but i'm gonna atleast start the 30 days Ab's Challenge so we will see how that goes, I didn't finish it last time but I wanna finish it this time!!!

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