Sunday, April 7, 2013

Hmmm maybe I should try this a different way....

So this weekend I've been bad, Friday night was tenderloin steaks with Brian, yesterday it was sandwiches at Great Harvest (I did get a healthy one though but still you never know) followed by grande nachos and chocolate cake at the Winterhawks game, thankfully I did stick to water even though I was seriously tempted to have a soda when I saw them coming to the room but I stuck to my guns on that part, wish I could be that like when it came to chocolate or nachos or anything from the bad foods group. But I'm not perfect and I've still got a ways to go. My size 10 jeans finally had it yesterday and Brian took me to buy a new pair I fell in love with a pair of silvers jeans that were just tight enough that I could still lose weight but lose enough that I didn't have a ginormous muffin top, sadly they were $88 and Brian didnt want to spend that on something I was just going to shrink out of, so in the end we bought a cheap pair of old navy jeans and as soon as we got back to hit house he proceeded to rip the shreds out of my jeans lol (I think he enjoyed it entirely too much) the worst part about jean shopping is finding jeans that fit me in the waist and in the hips it's not easy oh yeah I forgot then their is the length as well but that's a whole nother issue. So anyways back to my story the point is when I was eating the cake and the nachos I had a thought, why is that I feel one slice or one bowl of nachos won't set me back when it clearly does? I end up somehow eating a weeks worth of calories (ok not that much but it feels like it) in one sitting and I feel all fine and dandy but then I wake up in the morning and step on the scale then realize my mistake where has my thinking on the subject gone wrong?? I wonder if perhaps counting calories is not the way for me because what happens is I see that oh I have 500 calories left what can I eat and I may not even be hungry at the time! It worked great for the first couple weeks but now not so much, I think I need to do some more research and come up with a better plan because so far my results aren't matching up at all. And yes I know I need to get my butt back into the gym, my schedule was supposed to be fixed this week but sadly it isn't and I am stuck closing 3X this week again which as I said before just throws off my entire body/ life and schedule so hopefully it can be fixed because the clock is ticking down yet I'm not moving anywhere..... But today is a new day and so is tomorrow so change is still possible and I'm still optimistic

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