Sunday, January 5, 2014

Sunday Sick Day/Weekend Rant

So let me start out by saying this has been a rough week, I started coming down with a bad cold after seeing dozens upon dozens of patients who were sick. When I got home Thursday I knew it was coming on and by Friday I had full blown chills and a runny nose, Brian had to practically swaddle me on Saturday to try and warm me up (didn't work by the way) anyways Friday I got a call from my boss, she asked me how I was feeling and after I told her she said the sentence that would certainly change everything for some time to come.....I'm sorry but we are letting you go, So yes 15 days shy of my 90 day probationary period I am now unemployed, (and thats not the worst part) So you see i've been paying for my insurance out of pocket since 2012 I have a super high deductible but I only needed it for my prescriptions and just in case I got really sick or injured. Well since Obamacare came into effect I found out my plan would no longer exist after December 31st, no big deal right? I mean I had a job that was going to provide me full benefits with no out of pocket cost, so when my insurance sent me a letter notifying me that my plan was being terminated and if I wanted to get a new plan I would have to contact them or I could not respond at all and it would simply go away once January 1st hit. And of course I chose the not going to contact them option, so now here I am with no insurance and no known date of when not only will I get a new job but when I will have insurance, lets just figure it takes a month to find a job, then I have to wait 3 more months to get insurance, so thats 4 months with no coverage period, that means no birth control and no pain medication.....Oh wait it gets better, so in a quick haste I figured I could go back online to apply for a plan (simple right? Wrong) you can no longer print applications directly from insurance sites, you submit a feedback form and then someone will contact you to help, I even went on (second big mistake) and first tried to submit it online but of course I was told I needed a PDF plug in to view the site on IE, which of course I have so why won't it work? Then I figure ahhh i'll just print out the application.....then I see that its 14 freaking pages long!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh and the cherry on top of everything you ask??? I paid $88 a month for my insurance with a high deductable, and while there are no plans close to what I have the best one for me (I need one with moderately priced OV's and low Rx costs) is $145!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IF I qualify for unemployment thats more than I would make in a week on it. Now of course there are funding options available but what I don't get is why make obamacare, if insurance was affordable everyone would have it! But now it seems its even more expensive and when I do qualify for it how much are they going to pay for??? If I don't get it fast i'm going to get taxed on it and well thats a whole other rant. Okay end of rant, back to my cold. So Saturday I was planning to go to the gym and I made my January workout plan a couple days ago and was ready to put it into action but I tell you what by the time I got to Brians and we were supposed to leave I felt absolutely miserable, much like I do today, I stayed home from church, tried to sleep it off but couldn't and now here I am ranting in my blog about being sick and not having health insurance....On the plus side of being let go I have an opportunity to work out more and really get into the rhythm of going to the gym, I even made motivational goals, 20lb loss equals the Polar FT4 watch I want and so on and so on, once I hit 60lbs I am taking myself on a $250 VS shopping spree (who wouldnt want that????) Thanks to my bestie briggie for the idea!!! I'm also going to have time to finally go through the hundreds of healthy recipes on my pinterest boards so that I can starting making better meals and figure out more ideas for meals since I pretty much am in a food rut. I am also planning on starting to run in molalla since again I have a lot of time on my hands. and lastly my bff Briggie has decided that we will become gym buddies and work out on wednesdays when she is off work (she is also a morning workout person so that helps so much! Score!!) So while I have my down time i'll be working on my monthly workout routines so that way when I do get a new job i'll already have them done and I can just make a smooth transition from month to month, Hawaii is coming and I need to be bikini ready!!!!!!! Alright well stay tuned for yummy recipes and my results from my new workout routine!

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