Monday, January 20, 2014

Motivation Monday: Freeeeeeeeeeeeeezzing my buns off!

Well hello everyone! Happy Monday! Okay not really but today is Motivation Monday, and what a busy Monday it's been! Today my goal was to do 6.0 miles, unfortunately I didn't hit that due to freezing temps and my boyfriend not dressing properly lol (he wore shorts!) I did make it 3.45 miles today which I am proud of since it was the second time I ran in cold weather, its defnitely not something for the faint of heart, I thought for sure I would warm up after running a full block but it didn't matter how far or fast I ran I could not get warm!! My joints started aching and my lungs felt like they were going to develop frost bite so I walked more than I ran thats for sure but I did speed walk and cardio is cardio and i'm still lapping everyone on the couch thats for sure! I do so much better when its hotter out when it comes to running. Okay so now that we have the exercise part covered I can finally say that I finished my motivational board that I saw on pinterest, it's not exactly the same but I think it'll help (i'm a visual person) I also put small fitness goals on it so that way when I reach one I can rip it off and put a new one up....Now the question is what rewards should I do for myself and how many should I do and finally what should be the circumstances for those rewards ie workout at gym 20/30 days or something like that. Now that my board is finally done it's on to the next project, gathering healthy meal plans and putting them together on a calendar so that even though I can't do any meal prep i'll have a stable plan and no room for deviation. Do I still want a cheat day? Yes! Will it be a total day? No! I am I taking charge? I'm working on it! Ha ha. So as you can see from the pic i've hung my teeny weeny yellow polka dot bikini (still can't believe Brian found one!) as well as some fitness quotes, removable fitness goals and an area for pounds lost. Not sure where i'm going to hang it up but i'm very excited I finally finished it!
 If you guys have made yourself a motivational board share it with me! I love to see everyones different ideas on them!

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