Friday, January 10, 2014

The Good The Bad And The Ugly

So in an attempt to reign control on my eating and dieting habits and not to mention the fact that I will be 29 on Tuesday I decided it was best to finally take the big plunge and get my cholesteral tested, I also got a diabetes screening (not too worried about it but we shall see) and finally got my thyroid tested. My thyroid and diabetes screening had to be sent out so I won't find out until next week whether or not I will need to be put on medication. But as for the lipid screening or cholesterol screening for those not in the medical world It wasn't the worst possible outcome but it definitely wasn't the best! My total cholesterol came back at 218 (100-200 is the desired range) and my LDL came back at 149 (10-100 again being the desired range) so yes for you math wizards out there I need to drop 18 points off my total and 49 points or more off of my LDL, the good news is that my HDL or good cholesterol is sitting pretty at 59 and my Triglycerides are at 50 so i'm well within the standard ranges for those. So what does this mean for me and my diet? It mean's that I have 6 months to shape it up or I will be put on medication and since I already may have to be put on medication for my thyroid (heard it's not really something you can avoid and since I hate the symptoms i'm having i'd rather be on it!) I really don't want to add another unneeded medication especially since I can make it better with diet and exercise! So I can either see this as just the kick in the butt I need or I can choose to keep eating the way i'm eating (yes I can always eat healthier) I am also slightly hoping that perhaps it is my thyroid that is keeping me from being able to lose weight, i've been at it for awhile with different options and well I go down a pound or two and then I go back up and beyond my starting weight then back down and back up, not to mention the extreme sentivity to cold followed by horrible sweating episodes it not fun, yesterday while I was trying on bridal gowns for the bridal expo I will be modeling in I could feel how sweaty and cold my back was and well not to TMI but today was just another example, freezing in the morning on the way to my 7:30 pap appointment and then as soon as I get into the room and get undressed and start talking to the doctor about my symptoms I start sweating for no reason! the room was only set to 71 but i'm pretty much sweating like it's 90 degrees in there I would love to not do that anymore because lets face it thats just not attractive at all. LOL I went into MA mode and as soon as she left the room and I got changed I wiped the table down with the sani-wipes, changed the table paper and threw away the stuff that could be disgarded, when the Nurse Practioner came back in she was like you couldn't help yourself huh? I just laughed. I didn't want to say well I wouldn't want anyone to clean up my sweaty mess especially your male MA so i'd rather do it myself. Anyways so hopefully if it is as simple as hypothyroidism then I can get on medication and start feeling better! But as for the cholesterol thats completely in my hands and as Brian just said on the phone he's going to have to watch my eating habits a lot more closely then he has been. Well thats the end of this day, i'll update you when I get my test results back from the other labs and let you know the next step! One happy note was I did finally get back into the gym which of course was packed with the resolutioners (at 10am on a Friday????????) I didn't get a thorough workout in because it was so packed and well.....fasting for 12 hours the night before and then only eating a slice of banana bread after I did get my labs drawn probably wasn't the best idea because I felt like I could of fainted at the gym....and nobody wants to be that person!! Well thats enough for today so i'll keep you guys updated as soon as the rest of my labs get back to me! Looks like i'll have plenty of time to get to re-reading my perfect 10 diet book and highlighting the parts of it I need to!

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