Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Ohhhh water water everywhere and not a drop to drink.......

So after years of having the Nike+ running app myself Brian FINALLY downloaded it today and sent me a friend request...ha ha well he must be feeling like a champion because he challenged me to run 30 miles in 1 month starting tomorrow and well I accepted it. If I win this I will have bragging rights for quite awhile....This makes me actually glad that I passed on running today because well it wouldn't have counted and I would be sore tomorrow and not feel like going that far. I am still a little bit sore and possibly might have a small onset of shin splints but i'm going to make sure I stretch at the gym tomorrow before I go running so that way I don't make it worse. As for other things in my life i'm really struggling with my diet, like really really struggling, there isn't a day that goes by that I don't want a cupcake, a slice of cake, a candy bar, a soda or something bad for me that I really shouldn't be having in the first place and idk when I see recipes like avocado chocolate peanut butter brownies that are way healthier all I can think of is eww it's gonna taste like avocado, BUT I thought that turkey instead of ground beef would taste bad and well it didn't. My personal trainer used to tell me if I needed some chocolate to have one hershey kiss. That's it, no more. All the exercise in the world isn't going to help if I can't get my diet in check. Now I am making healther choices then I used to but lets face it going all organic is SUPER expensive. But today I needed to buy some new butter that's healthier and I actually found out that Land O Lakes makes a butter with Olive Oil as its base (one of the healthy oils, except you cannot use it for cooking ie raising the temperature of it) Most of the other butters contain canola oil which is a definite no no. It's amazing how much you can learn about things if you really sit down and read about them and its even more amazing when you go to the grocery store and realize just how bad the things you used to eat were! One interesting way the book i've been reading puts canola, vegetable, and corn oil into a simple perspective, they are like plastic and you don't want plastic inside your body. I'm trying to steer clear of using cooking oil but if a recipe does call for it I will be using coconut or sunflower oil instead of the traditional oils that I have been cooking with for forever. It's simple substitutions that make the biggest effect, cauliflower replaces potatoes yet tastes the same maybe even better than mashed potoates, chicken or turkey instead of red meat (sad I love my steak but it will just be less in my life, more of a celebration meal instead of a 4x or more a month meal) more fruits, more water. I've always been afraid of trying new things yet when I finally do 9/10 I like them. The biggest shock was how bad soy actually is for you, well let me rephrase that, soy that has been alterered aka GMO, soy in small amounts is good like tofu or edameme but when you eat soy in excess your body cannot process it since it contains isoflavones which your body doesn't know what to do with when you have 3-4x the suggested amount. I never realized just how many things are soy based now because they claim to be healthier which they are but in small doses. Another reason why soy can be hazardous is because the fact that it is heavily exposed to insecticides. Soy also can block the bodies absorption of essential minerals. But enough about that, one thing that I am thankful I never have to give up is my love of lobster, they do suggest rock instead of maine lobster which I can deal with, also salmon (not farmed and be careful because a lot of farmed salmon is actually dyed to look like wild alaskan salmon!) So i'm not giving up my favorite meats and it doesn't mean I can't have a steak every once in awhile, I think the fact that I eat it medium rare is also better because there is less exposure time on the BBQ which we all know has carcinogens. Either way a salad here or a piece of fruit there is not going to make me skinny just like a burger and a basket of fries isn't going to make me fat overnight. Well that's all for tonight, stay tuned for some awesome recipes and major meltdowns when I go through withdrawls (yes we all have food withdrawls don't deny it) i'm determine to expand my nutritional horizons and not let the tv, aisles in the supermarket or my skinny friends who eat whatever they want bring me down.....lol

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