Sunday, January 19, 2014

Week Recap

So this week was pretty good, I worked out 3x (more than i've done in quite awhile!) I turned 29 on tuesday (I don't feel 29?) Got a new coach purse for my birthday! and I can still say i'm a little sore from the last workout on Thursday. I was hoping to workout yesterday or today but yesterday I ended up helping my dad split wood, and today well I wore my workout clothes to church because I figured hey lets go workout right after church! Nope Brian said he wanted to eat first and well I started yawning halfway through church and haven't stopped since, I haven't slept good that last few days and now it's starting to get to me, all attempts to take a nap have failed so here I am blogging away......I really wanted to go for a run this morning but the fact that I did horribly in 28 degree weather I felt that running in 18 degree weather would be even worse, yes it may be an excuse but I don't do good in cold weather, even my underarmour turtleneck wouldn't help! I really need to invest in some ear muff type headbands too because my ears were beyond frozen! So tomorrow Brian and I will be running before I get some errands done, as for tonight I split up the massive amounts of turkey and chicken that I bought at safeway yesterday into single serve portions that I can just grab and defrost for dinner and even though I love me some turkey taco salad (having it tonight) I need some new recipes I have made spaghetti but pasta isn't a good thing and well I know of turkey meatloaf and stuffed bell peppers but I need more, i've been hitting the pinterest boards to get ideas and now I just need to get them on paper, and for real I think I might need to invest in a mini freezer because I barely fit in all of my single serve chicken and ground turkey. There is literally no room in our fridge/freezer its redonk. Anyways in a completely off topic subject what do you guys think about bikini competitions? Several of my friends have now done them and I'm not sure if it would be a good motivator for me but i've always wondered about doing one.....Not one to follow the pack however I would hate to do it and people think I just did it because several of my friends did it, not to mention if I paid the registration fees, bought the $200 swimsuit and got to the end and wasn't where I should be, its not cheap! You need a trainer, nutrition, swim suit, and a lot of other extra little things which means its really expensive and I don't exactly have an extra oh lets save $500 laying around right now. So maybe that means put it on the back burner for now and see how you are in a couple months... Anyways meal prep is done and i'm going to enjoy my super tasty dinner and relax.....

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