Monday, January 13, 2014

And The Results Are In

So I have good news I got the results of my Thyroid and Diabetes screening, both came back normal, which is great but still leaves me with the wondering of what is with my symptoms then??? My doctor believe that the tramadol is causing the excessive sweating because that is one of the side effects of the medicine. (didn't know that?!) As for the fatigue and muscle aches it could be a Vitamin D deficiency and the sensitivty to cold? No idea......I wish I could say its because i'm too skinny and I have no fat to keep me warm but we all know thats a lie. So anyways i'm still a little bit in the dark but I am definitely happy my thyroid is normal and I don't have to go on medication. So it looks like I need to get back up on the vitamin horse and take charge of it again because lets face it you really DO NEED vitamins.I used to be a stickler for them and then I just all of sudden was like blahhhh I don't want to take 6+ pills every morning and now i'm suffering the consequences of no longer taking them. Aside from that I re-started my gym membership and did my second workout of the year (yes i'm a little slow out of the gate but it's tough to get a good workout when all the resolutioners are in the gym packing it for the next couple weeks until they fade out again) The last workout I did I made the mistake of fasting and only eating banana bread before I went to the gym so although I worked out it wasn't my normal level of workout that I try to strive for. Today was different, I could feel a difference as my body trembled and shook with every second during my plank, I can say that i'm going to feel it tomorrow which I guess is a good thing since it's my birthday and well who wants to work out on their birthday? I probably will just go for a short run depending on the weather since i'm still having that extreme sensitivity to cold. I spoke with my doctor more and unless the tramadol is the reason for the sweating then she suggests running a CBC and a PPD, which I definitely don't need again! Last one was horrible, found out that i'm allergic to the testing solution now because i've had it done so many times, so in future I either have to get a chest xray or a blood test to determine if i've been exposed to it. Needless to say I hope the Tramadol is what is causing the sweating and that once i'm off of it completely I won't have this problem anymore because it's really embaressing, I used to think it was just because I was fat and maybe dehydrated which didn't make much sense with how much water I was drinking. Either way i've stopped my tramadol and i'll update you guys to see if the symptoms persist or not....

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