Tuesday, December 10, 2013

I can always get healthier

So i'd like to think that i've been eating healthier lately but lets face it, I still have my days where I will eat subway with chips, cookies and a soda, i'm not perfect and I definitely don't claim to be but there is always room for improvement, the holidays are hard though. I won't lie about that, just the other day I watched my doctor hack the head off of a chocolate santa complete with chocolate coins in his butt. And well as much as I would like to pretend it didn't happen it did, I ate several large parts of it yesterday, today I was better and I didn't touch it but I did touch the box of gushers I got when I purchased despicable me 2 and Fast 6, ( I got pop crunch white and sharp chedder mix w/ fast 6 but haven't touched it) I ate 2 packages of the little juicy devils in a bag and I gave one bag away then put the rest away in my desk. I'm not sure why its so hard this time around, I have the hardest time giving up soda or chocolate and well I think its because i've just been so used to consuming it on either a daily basis or atleast several times a week and well that needs to stop, i've only lost 3lbs so far and i'm pretty sure my diet is a big factor to that, I am working out but not as hard as I used to be, it's been tough trying to work out in the morning before work because even though I go to bed at a decent hour its been so cold in the mornings I just don't want to get out of my warm and toasty bed at 4:15 in the morning, and by the time I get off work I want to rush home in case it decides to dump freezing rain or snow which would make it impossible for me to get home! (lowered car, can't put chains on because they would rip off my bumpers, needless to stay my car would have more of a bulldozing effect than just gliding on top of the snow, not to mention I take several windy backroads to get to work AND my work literally is in the worst place to be during any type of inclimite weather, either way you go you either have to go up a very steep hill or go down a moderately inclined one, there is literally no type of back route to get there, I don't even know how the ambulances do it unless they have chains and studded tires if you can even do that together.) so anyways its been tough and the last week was insane I didn't leave work before 6pm which means I didn't get home until almost 7. Those are the type of days where I wish I had meals planned ahead of time so that if I do get out late its like no big deal I can heat my healthy dinner up in the microwave. But again I never know what time i'll get off, for example today my doctor and I were finished with patients and tasks by 4:25pm and she left, but since we need 2 licenses I had to wait until approximately 5:20 to leave since there was a patient in the building with our other doctor. I mean i'm not complaining I did some organizing at my desk and just relaxed so to speak but there are some days where you just want to get home. I'm hoping that once I live closer to work it'll make it easy when it cuts my commute in half or less than half, not to mention Brian likes to work out in the evening and if i'm off by 6 at the latest I can get a 45min-60min workout in with him and then we can go cook dinner together but i'm talking in the future so I can't really wait for that to come around because the clock is ticking on my overall weightloss challenge. So on the plus side I found out that not only did Brian buy me the bathing suit I was drooling over in Hawaii via FaceTime (It's funny too because its LITERALLY a yellow polka dot bikini, anyone remember the old yogurt commercial with the song? Because I do) anyways its a reversable yellow/black polka dot/striped bikini from volcom, I got the chance to try it on and the sad thing is my butt/hip area is just wayyyy to big/wide for it right now, which I suspected because I told him to get a medium in the knowledge of knowing I will be down to the correct size before October, also I got my clearance bathing suits from Victoria Secret in the mail yesterday too and bottoms fit but of course they can always fit better and look better on me, I love the hot pink and mint green options I chose. So anyways back to my original meaning for this post, eating healthier. So i've decided to start a 30 day challenge not 21 like they normally say will help you break a habit, i'm going for 30. I've even gone as far to label post it notes 1-30 so I actually count down and keep track, I truly believe that this is one of my biggest problems, way back when I was losing weight I ate healthy breakfast and lunch and splurged on dinner but of course I splurged after I did a kwando class on Mondays or Wednesdays so a splurge was in order, i'm still looking for a gym buddy btw!! I get bored with water, I love chocolate chip cookies and reeces candy bars like nobodys business, I am ashamed to say it but my floor is littered with the after effects of them, (I also haven't cleaned my room in like a month so it looks like a bomb dropped on it so its not like I ate 10 peanut butter cups in a day.) Anyways so yeah tomorrow i'm going to go 30 days without any form of chocolate or soda. am I going to suffer? Yes, am I gonna survive
? Yes, i've switched from hot chocolate to apple cider for my mornings when I can't do a coffee. I have done better at distributing and freezing individual meat portions like my turkey, chicken and steak so that I can just grab it out of the freezer and stick it in the fridge to defrost while i'm at work. I just really need to get a new cookbook or something to help me figure out more meals that I can make in under 30 minutes. Because lets face it no one wants to wake up early just to cook an egg, now if I were to boil like 3-4 eggs and refrigerate them so in the morning I can just wake up and take an egg to go that could work. the point i'm getting at here is we can all take an extra step to do it the healthy way. So i've told you my step so the next question is what is yours?

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