Wednesday, December 4, 2013

What's your go to dinner?

So for days like these I like to have a go-to meal. I have considered pre-planning meals but I'm the type of person who doesn't like to eat the same thing everyday and I don't have a ton of time to sit and prepare 20 or even 10 meals not to mention I don't have the freezer space at my parents house, when I move out and I'm closer to work, I have my own kitchen and freezer and more time I probably will do that but for now it's not happening, I have started to seperate my chicken and turkey and other meat into individual sized portions that I can just defrost while I'm at work but that's as far as I've gotten so for days like today my go to meal is always taco salad, 2 ingredients and delicious, well ok 3 if you include the spices but it's simple and it's satisfying. Not to mention super healthy since I use ground turkey instead of ground beef. Now do I always do that? If I'm cooking yes if someone else like Brian's mom is then no I'll eat the ground beef but I really can't wait to move out because with Brian around all the time he likes to eat healthy and well he will be influencing my shopping habits :) speaking of habits I need to get back into the gym one and it looks like winter time equals morning gym time for me since the last few times at work I haven't gotten out before 5:45pm maybe I'll have Brian call and wake me up. Speaking of waking up I have to do that in the morning for work and I'm glad it's my Friday tomorrow because I for sure am ready for the weekend!

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