Thursday, July 14, 2011

So it begins......

So i've been at the gym for about 5 weeks now, i've finished my personal training sessions (I bought 3 of them, got a 4th one for free) When I started I had a body fat % of 37% (EEK) and now I have 33.4% body fat which mean's i've lost about 3% of body fat, not as much as what my trainer said I would lose but it's still an improvement. the last couple days i've worked out really hard, I did 2 hours of weight training on Tuesday and then I did an hour of cardio yesterday. I was hoping to do 2 hours yesterday but my body is still sore and lets be frank, I got a visit from our favorite monthly friend and I was not in the mood (LOL) I gave myself a day off today just because I am sore and I don't wanna overwork my body and then have to take more than a day off. I'm trying to get my water intake up but its just GEEZ 4 32oz water bottles full of water??? Anyone would get bored with just water. I don't like those flavored waters (they make me sick if I drink too much) it's 3:29pm and i'm only on my second bottle.....wait i'm gonna take a drink right now.....okay now back to this. I think the things I struggle with is the fact that I love food, especially carbs, give me pasta anytime and i'll eat it. I'm learning to love salads, I eat them more and more and more. But honestly I hate those people who say eat what you want just smaller portions, yeah well sorry but a child's fist size portion is not going to fill me up and unfortunately the fact that i'm a little hypoglycemic makes me even worse, if I don't eat I get headaches and get just really irritable which lets face it my boyfriend is AMAZING about, he knows and makes me eat. My trainer has told me to eat 6 small meals a day, but what size should these meals be? and what size should my snacks be?? I swear when did eating get so difficult. Thank goodness i'm not a fast food junkie like some people are, I don't eat Mcdonalds and if I do it's just a small fry with an ice cream cone but I can't even remember the last time I did that. I used to eat breakfast there every once in awhile but lets face it after watching Super Size Me, I stopped that cold turkey, I don't eat burger king, wendy's Carls Jr or anything along those lines. I do eat Subway which come to find out even if you get the chicken breast your screwed. So unless I wanna get bread with just veggies on it (which lets face it I can eat that at home for half the price) there's no point in going there, and I like my sauces, give me oil, light mayo, ranch, honey mustard you know what I like. Anyways yeah so forget eating out really, although I try to only eat out on weekends when i'm with Brian and I try to always get a salad so that way I don't fill up on too much dinner depending on where we go. I'm very fortunate that Brian likes to eat healthy and organic so this makes this whole process a lot easier. I don't know if any of you have any healthy recipe ideas but i you do post them!! And I will do the same :) well toodles for today i'll update soon!

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