Friday, May 17, 2013

I want to throw out my scale.....

Okay so it's been awhile since I posted an update, still struggling with food choices and gym time and although I feel my clothes fitting a tiny tiny tiny tiny bit better everytime I jump on the scale the numbers jump so randomly its horrible, one day i'm at 173 the next day i'm at 179 I don't know whats going on inside my body for real. I can say my monday workout left me sore until today pretty much, I did my regular workout and then did my first kick boxing class. It was insane, I did make it through the entire class but I couldn't do all the moves so I just kind of did what I knew how to do while they were doing stuff I couldn't keep up with. Since today is my day off i'm waiting for Brian to get off work and then we are going to the gym together, ha it's funny I spent so much time in the sauna on monday my Iphone5 actually shut off because the temperature was too much for it. I'm starting to think that only 3 days a week at the gym aren't going to be enough to get me down in time for Hawaii which is in 69 days.... Now i'm not expecting a miraculous weight loss and to be super trim and fit for Hawaii but I would still like to get down to 155 in 69 days which can be done I guess I just have to step it up even more...and yes I know its just a number and muscle does weigh more than fat but I need some motivational buddies!!! Hopefully once the weather starts getting better again I can start running outside, I know that really helped me out a lot and I think weights 3 days a week and cardio 2-3x a week will just make it melt off, i've also realized that I need to scale it down a notch in the gym because I always end up overdoing it and have to take off 2-3 days because i'm just too sore and then it just throws off my entire week. The point is to feel sore not feel like I was put through a meat grinder. I know stress is a big factor for me right now, which is causing me to make poor food choices and just want gross food that I regret 5 seconds after I put it in my mouth. I guess it's time for killer mode...there's a war on fat and i'm gonna lead the victory team...... I'll post some updated pictures soon!!! And again any stories of triumph or tips are always appreciated!!!

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