Wednesday, August 3, 2011

There is a reason why you shouldn't work in a medical office

Okay so i've been neglecting my blog...i'm horrible and to top it off I was so busy with work at VBS that I didn't go to the gym for a WEEK! it totally threw me off, I went and did Kwando Monday night with my friend Angela and I really liked it, it totally kicked my butt though, anyways my diet has been HORRIBLE and I mean HORRIBLE, everyday someone is bringing in coffee or bagels or donuts, I ate 2 bagels from Noah's (it was sooooo good though) and luckily I only had one donut but I have had pretty much a coffee everyday and Monday I had a coffee then I had a blended creme frap in the afternoon, (again HORRIBLE) my lunches haven't been so bad though, Brian took me to Safeway on Sunday and bought me a whole bunch of healthy lunch stuff and breakfast stuff so i've been atleast eating healthy breakfasts and i'm trying to drink enough water but ive been struggling with that as well because I hate having to pee every 20 minutes! I'm hopefully going to a nutritionist soon because i've been at this weight for a couple months now and luckily i'm not going up in weight but i'm definately not going down like I would like too. although i'm hoping my fat % is still going down, I haven't checked it recently, Tomorrow hopefully i'm doing Zumba and kick starting my gym time, the other thing that sucks is my gym is 14 miles out of the way which isn't bad but when you get off at 4pm after being up at 5:30 you don't want to do any extra driving, I really can't wait until I can get a job in Clackamas, Oregon City or somewhere along those lines so i'm way closer to everything, I seriously feel like i'm on the other side of the country because there is nothing in Woodburn, and I don't hang out in that area at all. Oh well enough with my ranting. Thanks for tuning in!

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