Thursday, August 18, 2011

It's been awhile

So it's been awhile since I posted, Aug 3rd to be exact, most of you probably haven't realized I deleted my facebook for a little bit. But I did, i'll be back on in a little bit though so no worries :) anyways i've really  been focusing hard and hitting the gym just as hard, this week alone i've been 3 times already and it's only Thursday! I'm going tomorrow and Saturday as well and I can finally feel the inches starting to come off :) I'm still having stomach issues though, why is that the last place it comes off?????????? Anyone have any suggestions for ways to get rid of my spare tire, I know that crunches work obviously and I feel my muscles getting stronger but the fact is the fat is still on top of my muscles! I am sucking in in the second picture obviously lol but my pants hold my stomach in very well as well, thanks to my amazing boyfriend who bought me the Nike running capris :)

1 comment:

  1. Just found your blog, and I really love it... so inspiring for many girls... well done one loosing the pounds.... I am your newest follower!
    xxx Marina
