Friday, October 4, 2013

Challenge Accepted

So....Yes it's been over a month since I posted...A lot has happened but one big thing that has happened was the fact that my boyfriend has issued me a challenge..... Get back down to a size four by October of next year and he will help me pay my way to Hawaii next October.....So in summing this up I need to lose 6 sizes and I would guestimate around 35lbs. When I was down to 155 I could fit into a size four but they were definitely tight in my thigh area (lets just say that trying to do the splits would not only be impossible but I wouldn't even make it a quarter of the way down...thats how tight they were) Anyways So I have 1 year from today which gives me more than enough time to lose that much and hopefully a lot more. Right now due to $$$ issues my gym membership is on hold so i'll be doing my workouts at home and hopefully a lot of running, problem is i'm not a fair weather runner....Any tips on how I can become one??? I can run in extreme heat no problem so why not rain and snow? Ok maybe not snow but rain....Wish my room was bigger I would put my parent's treadmill in my room and just do it that way but i'd get bored easily...I used to have netflix so when I was on the treadmill or eliptical at the gym I just did it that way and it was easy catching up on my favorite shows....But seeing as I cannot afford netflix i'll just have to run outside....Yesterday I happened to catch a side view of myself in the mirror sitting down in a hunched position and for a split second I was like that's not me.....then I realized it is.....I keep making excuses and well excuses aren't going to help me now are they....So tomorrow the running begins, i'm going to the do 48 miles in October Challenge...i'm 4 days behind so I have some making up to do, and i'm also just taking it a day at a time for right now until I get back into the swing of things, I think my problem has been i'm always trying to wait and figure out the perfect workout routine and schedule it down to the T (i'm ocd sometimes....) and as Brian put it, just take it a day at a time, just do an exercise a day (or more obviously lol)  and he's right, I still wish I could get a couple sessions with a trainer because honestly thats what got me going last time but for right now I do not have the funds or the membership (on hold remember?) to do it so i'm on my own....If anyone has any ideas of home workouts that have worked for them pass them on! I have weights, I have stairs, I have 20 acres...(although its super muddy ick) so I just need ideas of simple ones I can do in my room I might even check out the and see what they have, I hear they are brutal but effective workouts so maybe thats the route I need to do while i'm out of the gym. Well for now thats my challenge...I will keep you all updated weekly with my progress as there is no point in doing it daily because lets face it...boring!!!! Ha ha

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