Sunday, January 6, 2013

A new year a new goal.....

Alright my amazing followers, it's a new year and with that comes a new challenge, well okay the same challenge but new expectations, I'm sure as you are all aware 2012 was definitely a year of up's and downs, weight was down then went up, was down then went back up. It was a vicious cycle which this year I plan to break. I am using more resources for sure (umm hello pinterest????) and youtube video's to help ramp up my workouts. Brian has been amazing as well! I joined 24 Hour Fitness because unfortunately the small gym in town didn't have everything I was looking for and while I am paying a little more then I was at the other gym I think the extra cost is worth it.  Anyways....One of the video's I really have been following are by Trainer Josh, he has a lot of great video's on YouTube I highly recommend you check them out. So right now my weight is holding steady at 176. My highly reasonable goal is to be down to 125 by July, and for those of us who are horrible at math like me that's only 2lbs a week which is a very easily attainable goal don't you think? I do. I'd like to be ready for Hawaii this year. Yes last year I was down to 160 but after Hawaii I ballooned back up to 176 and I hate it. I only have 1 pair of jeans that fit and with my new job I feel like a slob (even though I don't dress like one) next to the other girls that work there. I want to be proud of my body not ashamed, crossing my arms over my stomach not because i'm upset but because I simply want to hide my muffin top, which btw still happens no matter how loose my jeans are. Well muffin tops be darned i'm going to do my best to get rid of it once and for all, i'm hoping to be able to afford more personal training sessions at 24 Hour since my amazing trainer who got me down to 155 no longer does training :( Well thats it for now! Welcome to 2013~!!

1 comment:

  1. I am in the same boat with trying to lose weight by summer. My goal is to weight 135 by August, and I am currently stuck at 169.. Soo frustrating. You should follow my blog and we can give each other new effective workouts/ healthy snacks, or just motivational words on days were feeling down.

