Sunday, September 2, 2012

So we meet again??

Ummmm hello where did 2012 go???? I cannot believe that it is Sept 2nd....WOW. So here's a litte update for you all who have noticed I haven't been blogging regularly. Jan I fell and got hurt at work, was off work for almost 2 months and then I was back at work for 3 weeks before I got let go, fast forward a couple months I am back up to 178lbs (EEK!) I was not allowed to work out, I couldn't walk or run very far so basically I was a pile of boringness. Fast forward another couple months....I find out i'm going to Hawaii (woohoo!!) so I manage to lose 18lbs and get down to 160 before I leave in It's Sept and i'm holding steady at 163 and i'm like this close to getting off modified work duty and being allowed to work out (if you could see my fingers you would see how close the gap is between them as I am saying "this close") I left my previous gym that I basically signed up for and wasted because I thought i'd be off modified work sooner so yeah I just flushed like $100 down the drain and they don't give refunds (seriously????) So now i'm at new gym thats a lot cheaper and closer to my house. I am starting there on Monday, i'm allowed exericse as tolerated but knowing me and everyone who knows me I like to push the limits. Unfortunately I learned that I can hyper extend my body so when I do manage to injure myself I stay injured a lot longer than normal for my age. Now i'm in good shape considering for years I didn't work out and ate whatever I wanted, My thighs, calves and biceps were rock hard (which I wish my biceps were smaller I totally hate my big arms.) But once I tasted the sweet nector of definition when I was down to 155 I was hooked. Then of course it gets taken away and although I still have some definition I look more like Gumby than Hercules if you get my drift LOL. Lets just say that I am chomping at the bit and I have my workout routine all ready to go, plus I am soooo PUMPED that the new gym offers zumba more than 2x a week, they offer it Mon, Tues, Thurs and Sat!!!!! I'll be fit in no time and I cannot wait to buy my first pair of Buckle jeans....It sucks when you bf has bought 2 pairs of them recently and I still won't try on another pair since last time because I didn't lose more weight I gained.......And I have a feeling that Santa will bring me a pair for Christmas if i'm really good ha ha.....wish me luck tomorrow the liquid awesomeness begins to pour out of my body......

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